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Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Massage, Oils And Getting Ourself A Great Relaxing Treat

Massage, Oils And Getting Ourself A Great Relaxing Treat

A massage can be very invigorating and a very relaxing experience. It is a great way to relieve exhausted and fatigued muscles. Massage and therapeutic touch help a bodys physical and emotional needs. When essential oils are combined with massage, the benefits are improved.

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts so keep away from the eyes (If oil comes in contact with the eyes, rinse it out with a few drops of pure Sweet Almond Oil, not water. Seek medical attention.) And never take them internally. They should not be applied directly to the skin but mixed with carrier oil such as almond oil to dilute them as the oils are in concentrated form. Never increase the dose of essential oil. Some oils are toxic in large amounts.

Do not go out in the sun for at least 6 hours after using any of these oils in your recipes: Ginger, lemon, orange and Bergamot, they can cause skin irritations if exposed to sun. Do not use on pregnant women or children under the age of two. Store essential oils in brown or dark blue colored glass bottles with a close fitting plastic screw cap. Do not store in plastic containers, they could become contaminated. Keep them in a dark, cool place to prolong the shelf life. Always store out of reach of children. Carrier oils are vegetable oils used to dilute the concentrated essential oils, they help to slow down the evaporation of the essential oils and help absorb them into the skin. The carrier oils should be "Extra virgin or cold pressed vegetable oils" for maximum benefit. Some good carrier oils include sweet almond, grapeseed, canola, safflower, sunflower, sesame, wheat germ, olive and peanut oil.

To read more massage articles from Teri, click the link.