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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Finding The Best Adult Acne Treatment For You

By Tim Orlando

You do not have to be stuck with adult acne as it can be treated immediately and appropriately. There are so many adult acne treatments available to you in the market, but you should find out more about such treatments. As is the case in any market, there would always be low quality products; finding out the best product for your condition is your own duty.

As most dermatologists would agree, knowing how to thoroughly cleanse your skin's surface is the first step you should take in your war against those "little monsters" . That does not imply you should go scrubbing your skin vigorously. On the contrary scrubbing too hard would cause more pimples to appear on your face. The scientific reasons are that scrubbing too hard would rupture pimples (lesions), spread bacteria, damage blood vessels, stretch your skin and damage skin tissue.

Rather than scrubbing the best way of cleansing is to use a products, which does the scrubbing. One common ingredient you should look out for in cleansers is salicylic acid. Acne skin care products like clear pores and healthy pores contain a facial wash that has this particular ingredient. Most dermatologists recommended Salicylic acid for use in unclogging hair pores. A 2% worth of salicylic acid is very effective in eliminating trapped whiteheads and blackheads. Daily use of an adult acne treatment product that contains salicylic acid would definitely give you a more glowing and healthier skin.

Another ingredient that is very effective in combating both teenage and adult acne is benzoyl peroxide. This ingredient prevents bacteria activities that cause inflammations, which result in breakouts (pimples).

As all skin experts would agree that the main causes of this skin disorder are hormonal and chemical imbalances inside the body, it is best to combat this problem by balancing such hormonal and chemical issues by the use of an oral supplement. There are a few quality acne skin care systems, which combine topical treatments with oral treatments. The benefits of combating the problem internally are:

  • The body flushes out toxins
  • Improves the nervous system
  • Balances hormonal and chemical levels in the body

All these said benefits aid in totally eradicating this dreadful skin problem from your life.

As quite a number of youths have solved their acne problems, you should seek solutions to ensuring your skin texture improves and prevent this dreadful skin problem from causing any more damage in your life. The best time to treat your acne is now before those little pimples turn into "Jupiter" sized ones and leave ugly scars on your skin.

For more information on how you can achieve a clear skin using the best adult acne treatment visit

Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his. Visit his blog where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".

Adult Acne Treatments - Finding The Best For You

By Tim Orlando

Your pimples are like a signboard. It is the first thing everybody sees when they look at your face. If you are like most acne sufferers the moment you pass by anything that reflects an image you tend to take a peep at your "pimples laced" face.

If you are reading this then it is only safe for me to assume that you are tired of all the annoying little pains that comes with having acne on your skin. If you suffer from acne it is most likely that your self esteem has taken some "bashing" all because you have those little monsters growing off your face.

It is only normal for everyone especially young adults like us to be concerned about the way we look, after all we all live in an age where appearance seems to be so important in umm "everything". Well not everything but a lot of things, one of which is social interaction.

Although I never really had problems with teen acne, when I was 17 years old, I started having pimples on my face but they were just one or two appearing sometimes once a week. That was not really a problem. Fast-forward to when I turned twenty and my face was like a "battle field".

How Many Times have you been disappointed with an acne product?

You must have tried some products that have cleared up some of the pimples on your face, but if you were like me you would later find out that some of those "topical" acne treatments actually lose their intensity to fight your acne problem after a while.

What do Acne sufferers display!!!

I am very sure that we do not need any researcher or "shrink" to tell us what those little "pimples" can do to us socially. It seems mild to severe acne sufferers usually display one of the following:

  • Low self-confidence
  • Frustration
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • Depression
  • Refusal to socialize
  • Low self-esteem

How do I know these? Well in case you forgot I just you told at age twenty my face was a "WAR ZONE". Seriously it was. People looked at my face and cringed. The pimples were just too much. Enough of my own tales, this article was meant to educate you on the best acne treatments available to you and from now I will do just that. I promise :-)

Types of Acne medications

Before we start looking for the best acne treatment to clear your up your face, you should have a basic knowledge of the types of medication available to you.

If your acne problem just began, I can guess the form of treatment you are currently using to combat the problem is a bastardized form of "natural acne treatments". Yeah you guessed right!! - Washing your face like a "quadrillion" times in a day and also picking and "popping" your pimples. Hey in case you have not figured it out that routine will not work!!!

This is not to say that natural acne treatments which ensure proper skin care are not good or do not work, but hello! washing your face more than twice a day has adverse effects on your skin and could lead to even more breakouts (pimples).

Check acne skin to see a comprehensive way of reducing your acne breakouts by achieving proper acne skin care.

Okay aside the natural stuff, medications for your breakouts could be:

  • Prescription medications
  • Topical medications
  • Oral medications
  • Laser surgery - which is in its early stages to treat both acne scars and the pimple itself.

There are so many acne sufferers who use prescription medications for their acne problem. Products like accutane, Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac are quite popular and famous because of the large number of dermatologist and doctors who prescribe them to sufferers.

You have to consult with your dermatologist before you even attempt taking those medications. Although these prescribed medications work for some individuals, they could cause birth defects for pregnant women or nursing mothers risk causing severe complications for their babies.

Topical medications are the most popular form of acne medication for a large number of us having trouble with acne. It seems the two most common ingredients in most topical medications are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These two ingredients in topical medications are very effective in clearing up your "pimple covered face". :-)

Using these topical medications that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which are usually in the form of facial wash, lotion or gels thoroughly cleanses your skin pores. Products with the right amount of these active ingredients would usually prevent new pimple from forming on your skin to a certain extent, as they protect your skin surface against bacterial infections, which could have been as a result of so many factors like environmental pollution.

In case you did not know this, one of the causes of your acne problem has to do with your hormones being on overdrive. The male hormone testosterone, which is an androgen, is responsible for that.

What's my reason for saying that? Well it is because of the oral medications now used for combating acne from the inside of your body. These medications work on stabilizing the hormonal imbalance in your body. In simple words these oral medications work on solving the main cause of your acne problem and not on patching up the ugly results that is seen on your skin surface. Although you can take accutane to combat your pimple woes if prescribed by your dermatologist, it comes with side effects that could be really annoying.

A Product like the acnezine system contains oral supplements which work inside the body to rid the system of all internal factors causing your break outs.

A new technique being used by doctors to erase scars left by acne lesions is Laser surgery. This involves the use of laser beams to burn out scar tissues, which enable your skin (if you ever attempt such technique, you are on your on, I didn't tell you to do it.) to generate new, healthy tissues.

Few doctors have begun to use this technique to prevent acne from developing.

I do not know the side effects resulting from such techniques or even if there are side effects. Laser surgery is a new technique in removing acne so there is not much information available for now.

"If your acne problems have stopped and you are seeking ways to remove the scars left by the pimples, you should try Revitol's acne scar remover, which is a lot cheaper than laser surgery."

Which exactly is the best acne treatment

Okay I have been rambling about the types of medications and have not said the best acne treatments currently available to you.

Well there are a large number of useless products offering overnight cures, but that is not to say there are no credible products that are capable of ridding your skin of zits. Clear pores system seems to be the best system considering the level of combination treatment it provides which include:

  • Facial/body wash
  • Facial/body protection cream
  • Herbal supplement

Another very wonderful product is the acnezine system, which I used to rid myself of acne. It consists of a Skin Anti-Oxidant Capsule that fight the root cause of your pimples breakouts from within and a moisturizing crème containing benzoyl peroxide (you remember that ingredient), which fights acne-causing bacteria on your skin.

A number of former acne sufferers have testified to the effectiveness of healthy pores, which is definitely among the best acne treatment available currently in the market.

For more information, tips and reviews on acne and the best acne treatment available to you, visit adult acnetreatment Now!

Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his. Visit his blog where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".

Understanding Acne In Adults

By Tim Orlando

Acne is usually associated with adolescents undergoing puberty. A large number of dermatologists would generally agree that more than 80% of adolescents experience the pain of being afflicted with this skin disorder. It seems that acne is beginning to get us when we are younger now, as kids of age 10 are being reported to suffer from this annoying skin problem.

The painful thing about this skin disorder is the long duration it usually stays on the skin, being at least five years for a large number of adolescents. For so many unfortunate teenage acne sufferers, their acne problem could seem to remain on their skins forever, sometimes as long as eight years translating into what dermatologists later call adult acne because such individuals are no longer teenagers.

As a number of young adults like myself have discovered, acne is not restricted to adolescents only. Although this skin disorder is more common in teenagers than in adults, the intensity could sometimes be very severe in adults. Many adults that are acne free tend to feel that adult acne is due to poor hygiene.

That notion is plain wrong as there is no type of this skin disorder that is caused by poor hygiene, it could worsen the condition but it is not the main cause. Hormonal and chemical imbalances in your body are the major causes of the acne condition that you currently experience. Such imbalances in your body cause your sebaceous glands to secrete more oil (sebum) than usual, which in most situations results in pimples breakouts.

A simple understanding of how acne pimples form on the skin would correct the notion that acne is caused by poor hygiene.. Every hair pore has a gland attached to it. This gland is called the sebaceous gland and it produces a sticky and greasy substance (sebum also know as oil). This oily substance (sebum) is very helpful in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is your body's way of preventing your skin from drying out. But it becomes a problem when the sebaceous glands produces too much sebum.

This over production in sebum is as result of hormonal and chemical imbalances in your body. When the sebaceous glands produces an excess amount of sebum, the hair pores get blocked with both sebum and some dead skin cells. The clogged pores results in increased bacteria activity that produces an inflammation on the skin, which results in blackheads, whiteheads and in severe cases nodules and cysts.

Going by some medical encyclopedia that I checked recently, a special kind of bacterium know as Propionibacterium lives on the human skin. This bacterium is harmless only when the amount of sebum (oil) produced by the sebaceous gland is of the normal quantity. The moment the sebaceous gland produces too much sebum this bacterium secretes enzymes and chemicals that results in an inflammation on the skin. This inflammation results in pimples, cyst, and nodules, which you see on your skin. Such pimples, cyst, and nodules if left untreated would definitely results in permanent and deep scars that would remind you of your adult acne every time you look in the mirror.

Hormones and Adult Acne

There are quite a number of factors that affect the hormonal changes in your body, some of which are: the condition of the environment (pollution), ultraviolet rays, water and food intake. In modern times, farmers' use various ways of ensuring a bountiful harvest, some of which include the use of growth steroids (in cattle), pesticides and genetically produced foods. All these affect the quality of the foods we consume and are one of the causes of hormonal and chemical imbalances in the body. Some other factors that could worsen your adult acne condition include:

  • Picking at or squeezing at the pimples
  • Side effects from some drugs - (contraceptive pills and some other drugs)
  • Harsh scrubbing of the skin
  • Use of Oil based cosmetic products
  • Stress, illness or exhaustion
  • Heat and moisture
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Menopause

For more information on how you can achieve a clear skin using the best adult acne treatment visit

Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his. Visit his blog where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".