What You Need To Know About Treadmills?
By Hanaa Cadey
Treadmills are very popular fitness equipment among the exercisers world wide. Millions of people use treadmills to get fit and loose weight either at their own homes, gyms, clubs, work & etc. Walking and running are one of the popular exercises that almost anybody can do, and it can be done on a treadmill.
Treadmill workouts are easy way to increase your heart rate and burn calories, there’re variety of workouts. The type of workout that is best for you depend on your fitness level, whether you want to loose weight or be fit and what you enjoy doing e.g. intense workout or continues steady pace workout. Find a fitness program that works for you. Depending on your preference, combine your workout with music, television or videos.
Buying a Treadmill
Buying a treadmill can be very confusing, there’re varieties of brands, featured programs and types of treadmills which makes buying a treadmill nightmare. It is a big investment to make and can also be one of the best buys you ever make since you will feel healthier and more energetic after putting your treadmill into use. For decades treadmills are still the number one home fitness equipment, smart buyers educate themselves and find the best machines for their money. Remember using a treadmill in a gym is one thing, but buying one for your home is a serious matter.
The best way is first decide what types of exercise you want to do, do you intend running, walking or strength training? Do you want a motorized treadmill or manual? Do you want featured programs such as heart rate monitor, inclines, calorie counter, timer & etc? Once you narrow your options, do more research on the type of treadmill you want?
What you need to know about treadmill ratings Treadmills are rated based on their featured programs, incline, motor, belt, warranty and overall feel. There are two types of ratings consumer rating and expert ratings. Consumer ratings are surveys from consumers who bought the machine; expert ratings are conducted fitness experts.
Consumer ratings are surveys collected from treadmill users and purchasers, these types of surveys are conducted by the sellers or the consumer voluntarily publishes their reviews and ratings on online consumer research websites. Treadmill ratings are based on tests that simulate a year of use. This review recommends the best treadmill buys for walkers, runners and those who want to do a little of both.
Expert ratings are usually conducted and written by fitness experts such as running world, treadmill doctor, consumer reports, consumer guide, men’s health, prevention magazine & etc. These types of surveys usually focus on the credibility of the machine and how strong is the machine for workout, whether is for only walking, running or both. Fitness expert’s rate and review various treadmills at various times in the year, these ratings are much less likely to be tainted by biased reviews.
Treadmills are easy to use and loose weight, but remember you won’t loose weight looking at it; you need to use it in order to get results. To achieve your weight loss goals, get yourself on a regular routine such as treadmill walking program or workout. Just like any exercise the more time you workout the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. Buying treadmill is a huge investment and requires a lot of research, the benefit of research is that a good treadmill will provide you with many years of great workout making it one of the best home fitness investments.
For more information about treadmills visit http://www.exercise-with-treadmill.com
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