1. Avoid any scam diet that claims you don't have to exercise in an effort to lose weight. This is an outrageous lie that they tell because it will get you to buy. You must exercise, not only to lose weight, but to keep it off. Don't buy into it!
2. Avoid any scam diet that claims that you can lose an inordinate amount of weight in a short time. Experts will let you know that losing any more than two pounds every week is going overboard and will be nearly impossible to keep off.
3. Avoid any scam diet that claims eating right is not necessary and you can pig out to your hearts delight as long as you take this or that Eating right isnt necessarily fun, but it is needed if the weight is going to come off and stay off!
4. Avoid any scam diet that claims you dont need to have goals or aim for a certain milestone to achieve your dream weight. Every person needs to know where they are going to have any chance of getting there. This is another claim made to make you believe you dont have to work hard.
5. Avoid any scam diet that claims you need to eliminate all of one type of food or another and go on a strictly liquid diet. This may work for a little at first, but then you will be stuck in a rut a few weeks down the road not losing any weight, getting agitated and losing muscle.
6. Avoid any scam diet that claims that you must eat only one meal a day or less and cut out all snacking to achieve your desired weight. These "starvation" tactics will work well right away, but they will damage your metabolism and make you lose faith in short fashion. Eating less in frequent sittings will work better.
7. Avoid any scam diet that claims that you must purchase this supplement or that shake in addition to their diet plan. Not only are vitamins not truly needed for most people to lose weight, but they are likely offered just for the seller to get fatter pockets.
8. Avoid any scam diet that guarantees their diet system to work because all people respond to this diet! We are all unique and dont all lose weight in the same ways, just because you fail with one doesnt mean you cant lose weight. Trial and error .
9. Avoid any scam diet that tells you how easy it is to remove or eliminate all calories or fats from your diet. You dont need to stop all fats, your body needs some of that and the same goes for calories. What you need is to work out and eat less in more frequent sittings.
10. Avoid any scam diet that makes a statement that seems shady or not smart to you. It is that easy, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Dont spend all your time with these scam diets, use your time to develop good eating and exercising habits.
Billy Chambers writes for 10GoodTips.com as well as other review websites that allow for consumers to find a reasonable solution to internet searches or purchases for a variety of products and services. For more information on Scam Diets or for more from Billy at 10 Good Tips just click!
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