By Thomas Kersting
I've heard every excuse from people who don't exercise. "I don't have the time." "I don't like my gym." "It's not for me."
Recently, when a client of mine came for his first appointment, the excuses came with him. Here's what I said to him. "Well John, I don't want you to go to the gym; Forget about it; you're right, gyms are useless." Puzzled, he looked at me and said, "are you being serious." I responded, "John, you have your very own gym and it's at your front doorstep; It's called the street." He was speechless.
Well folks, it's that simple. If you are overweight and you don't exercise, there are no excuses. Turn-off the television, put your sneakers on and walk out your front door. If it's too cold, put on gloves and a hat. If it's too hot, go in the morning. If it's raining, bring an umbrella. Losing weight is about dedication and if you want to live longer you need to become dedicated to exercise.
Excuses are mere defense mechanisms. They are your minds way of protecting you from doing things that you're not thrilled about doing, and exercise is one of them. Take for example a kid who doesn't do his homework. Why does he avoid it? Because he doesn't like it, so he keeps putting it off. Eventually the repercussions follow when he gets his report card or doesn't get into the college of his choice.
The same holds true for you. You're not exactly thrilled about exercising so you don't do it. But you will pay the price down the road when your doctor gives you a poor bill of health or your favorite jeans don't fit anymore.
Now what about the kid who completes homework and is rewarded with good grades? Bingo. He continues this pattern, does well in school, starts to crave success and eventually gets into the college of his choice. Excuses just aren't part of his repertoire. And the same will hold true for you once you get on track with exercise. When you sit down, acknowledge all of the excuses you're making and put them in perspective you will begin to see the light.
What I want you to do right now is to write down every excuse you make for not taking care of your body and your health; for not exercising. STOP reading for a moment and start writing.
Well, what did you come up with? Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. You heard me. There are plenty of people out there who have far less time then you do, can't afford a gym membership, don't own a treadmill and have worse aches and pains than you do. But somehow they manage to squeeze in a 30 minute jog or walk every day. That's because their health is important to them, how they look and feel is important to them. And guess what, you have every ability that they have.
Now that you understand that there is a well-paved road right out your front door, don't you think it's time to squeeze in some good old-fashioned, fat burning cardiovascular exercise? I want you to look at your list and think long and hard about what I'm saying. If something doesn't click in your brain when you're done, then make sure you have good health insurance because you're going to need it.
Dr. Tom Kersting is the author of the popular new book, Losing Weight When Diets Fail, and the creator of the Power Programming weight loss method. He has appeared on national television, including Fox & Friends, PBS, WABC and the Tyra Banks Show. He has been a guest on over 100 radio shows worldwide and has contributed to dozens of publications including Self and Fitness. Visit his website at http://www.losingweightwhendietsfail.com and don't forget to sign-up for his free newsletter Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Kersting |
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